PHP Compiler Testing
Star Rating

Have the function StarRating(str) take the str parameter being passed which will be an average rating between 0.00 and 5.00, and convert this rating into a list of 5 image names to be displayed in a user interface to represent the rating as a list of stars and half stars. Ratings should be rounded to the nearest half. There are 3 image file names available: "full.jpg", "half.jpg", "empty.jpg". The output will be the name of the 5 images (without the extension), from left to right, separated by spaces. For example: if str is "2.36" then this should be displayed by the following image:

So your program should return the string "full full half empty empty".


Input: "0.38"
Output: half empty empty empty empty

Input: "4.5"
Output: full full full full half