Have the function VowelSquare(strArr) take the strArr parameter being passed
which will be a 2D matrix of some arbitrary size filled with letters from the
alphabet, and determine if a 2x2 square composed entirely of vowels exists in
the matrix. For example: strArr is ["abcd",
"eikr", "oufj"] then this matrix looks like the following:
b c d
e i k r
o u f j
Within this matrix there is a 2x2 square of vowels starting in the second row
and first column, namely, ei, ou. If a 2x2 square of vowels is found your
program should return the top-left position (row-column) of the square, so for
this example your program should return 1-0. If no 2x2 square of
vowels exists, then return the string not found. If there are
multiple squares of vowels, return the one that is at the most top-left
position in the whole matrix. The input matrix will at least be of size 2x2.
Input: ["aqrst", "ukaei",
Output: 1-2
Input: ["gg", "ff"]
Output: not found