PHP Compiler Testing
Time Difference

Have the function TimeDifference(strArr) read the array of strings stored in strArr which will be an unsorted list of times in a twelve-hour format like so: HH:MM(am/pm). Your goal is to determine the smallest difference in minutes between two of the times in the list. For example: if strArr is ["2:10pm", "1:30pm", "10:30am", "4:42pm"] then your program should return 40 because the smallest difference is between 1:30pm and 2:10pm with a difference of 40 minutes. The input array will always contain at least two elements and all of the elements will be in the correct format and unique.


Input: ["1:10pm", "4:40am", "5:00pm"]
Output: 230

Input: ["10:00am", "11:45pm", "5:00am", "12:01am"]
Output: 16