PHP Compiler Testing
Rectangle Area

Have the function RectangleArea(strArr) take the array of strings stored in strArr, which will only contain 4 elements and be in the form (x y) where x and y are both integers, and return the area of the rectangle formed by the 4 points on a Cartesian grid. The 4 elements will be in arbitrary order. For example: if strArr is ["(0 0)", "(3 0)", "(0 2)", "(3 2)"] then your program should return 6 because the width of the rectangle is 3 and the height is 2 and the area of a rectangle is equal to the width * height.


Input: ["(1 1)","(1 3)","(3 1)","(3 3)"]
Output: 4

Input: ["(0 0)","(1 0)","(1 1)","(0 1)"]
Output: 1