PHP Compiler Testing
Scrabble Hand

Given a list of scrabble tiles (as dictionaries), create a function that outputs the maximum possible score a player can achieve by summing up the total number of points for all the tiles in their hand. Each hand contains 7 scrabble tiles.

Here's an example hand:


  { "tile": "N", "score": 1 },

  { "tile": "K", "score": 5 },

  { "tile": "Z", "score": 10 },

  { "tile": "X", "score": 8 },

  { "tile": "D", "score": 2 },

  { "tile": "A", "score": 1 },

  { "tile": "E", "score": 1 }


The player's maximum_score from playing all these tiles would be 1 + 5 + 10 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 1, or 28.



  { "tile": "N", "score": 1 },

  { "tile": "K", "score": 5 },

  { "tile": "Z", "score": 10 },

  { "tile": "X", "score": 8 },

  { "tile": "D", "score": 2 },

  { "tile": "A", "score": 1 },

  { "tile": "E", "score": 1 }

]) 28



  { "tile": "B", "score": 2 },

  { "tile": "V", "score": 4 },

  { "tile": "F", "score": 4 },

  { "tile": "U", "score": 1 },

  { "tile": "D", "score": 2 },

  { "tile": "O", "score": 1 },

  { "tile": "U", "score": 1 }

]) 15