PHP Compiler Testing
Chat Room Status

Write a function that returns the number of users in a chatroom based on the following rules:

  1. If there is no one, return "no one online".
  2. If there is 1 person, return "user1 online".
  3. If there are 2 people, return "user1 and user2 online".
  4. If there are n>2 people, return the first two names and add "and n-2 more online".

For example, if there are 5 users, return:

"user1, user2 and 3 more online"


chatroom_status([])  "no one online"
chatroom_status(["paRIE_to"])  "paRIE_to online"
chatroom_status(["s234f", "mailbox2"])  "s234f and mailbox2 online"
chatroom_status(["pap_ier44", "townieBOY", "panda321", "motor_bike5", "sandwichmaker833", "violinist91"])
 "pap_ier44, townieBOY and 4 more online"